Welcome To School Health Office
Ms. Jacque Mey BSN RN School Nurse
News From the Nurse Nurse Email
Ms. Mey RN is available for all students and families during the school day from 8:30am - 3:20pm. Please email me at [email protected] or call the school at 603-692-2435 with any questions
Covid-19 & Respiratory Viruses Prevention
There are many illnesses still circulating in our school community. Respiratory viruses, Strep, bronchitis, Covid (yes! Still with us. Hand Hygiene prevents many respiratory viruses & fewer sick days. Please refer to the updated 23-24 COVID-19 & Respiratory Viruses Prevention Management Protocols (3/4/24) when feeling ill .
*If sick with respiratory symptoms, have a fever or feeling ill - Please do a Covid Test.
Please remain home if you have a fever - you can return to school when you have NO fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
It is recommended to wear a Mask after test Positive, symptoms resolving & return to school.
More info at CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-new/updated-respiratory-virus-guidance.html
Tips for Keeping Children Healthy
NH Required Vaccines for School
Please be sure your children are up to date on vaccines
****Required Immunizations for School Year 2023-2024 (Click here)
Immunization Guidance for Parents Click Here
New Hampshire law RSA 141C:20-a and associated Administrative Rules He-P 301.13-15 require that all children enrolled in any public or private school, pre-school, or child care have certain immunizations to protect themselves and those around them from vaccine preventable diseases. More information can by clicking here.
**Students are required to have Vaccines appropriate to their age and grade.
**Please call the school nurse if you have any questions about vaccines. The office or School Nurse has Exemption forms if requested.
For more information on immunizations please click here.
Be Wise Vaccinate Booklet
Physical Exams Required: Students are required to have a physical exam prior to entering school when first register (K or1st grade) or enter in any grade when moving from out of state.
All students need to have physical documentation in their medical file.
Please send the Physical Exam documentation to the School Health Office before the start of the school year or during the school year (recent physicals or medical updates).
Please notify the school nurse if your child has a Chronic Medical Condition.
An Action Plan can be completed if your child has either Asthma, Food Allergies or Bee Sting A form can be requested from the School Nurse. Or available at the links below.
Asthma Action Plan Food Allergy Action Plan
Bee Sting Allergy Action Plan
Healthy Ideas to keep healthy and for learning success:
Sleep at least 8 - 10 hours each night.
Eat Breakfast before school or at school. Do you know a healthy breakfast is available at school every day?
Healthy Snack: Fruits, vegetables, cheese, crackers, water to drink
Good hand hygiene: washing hands with soap and water, after coughing or sneezing. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are effective if you are not near a sink.
Good respiratory etiquette - Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow or shoulder, not into your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth; germs are spread when we touch our face and will make us sick.
Wear a Mask - Masks create a barrier that reduces the spray of a person's spit and respiratory droplets when we have symptoms of the Covid virus. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose are all symptoms of all viruses. Respiratory droplets can travel far when people sneeze or cough or raise their voices. More information about colds & illnesses can be found by clicking here.
Exercise - activity is important for our health and our mind.
Please see these guidelines of When Your Child is Ill - call the School Nurse with any questions.
Please check the link above for the IH Student Handbook for current health guidelines.

Are You A Flu Fighter? Coloring Book Education and information on flu prevention Click here