Idlehurst Title I School Wide Plan 2023-2024
Parents Right to Know 2023-2024
What is Title One?
Title I is a government grant. The purpose of the grant is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education to achieve educational standards set by the state.
How does it work?
Idlehurst School is designated as a school-wide Title I school, meaning all students have access to Title I resources. At Idlehurst we have a Title I Teacher, two tutors and a part-time School to Home Coordinator. During the WIN (What I Need) blocks the Title I teacher and tutors work with small groups of students to provide intensive interventions. Students are progress monitored regularly and small groups are adjusted as needed to meet the needs of the students. Support may also be given to students in the regular classroom. Title I staff communicate regularly with classroom teachers to discuss student progress and goals.
What are other benefits of Title I?
Funds a summer program to extend the academic year.
Provides a School to Home Coordinator to assist families.
Distributes a monthly newsletter with strategies to support your learner at home, community resources and health information.
Hosts family engagement events.
More information can be found at:
Should you have questions about Title I, please feel free to contact Joni Ferland, Title I Teacher at 692-2425 ex. 1123 or [email protected]